2019 Goal

My 2019 goal is to raise $200,000 for donation. We will donate the money to make 500 toilets in India for girl children who need them.

The Cause

I recently visited India and faced a problem. I had to use the bathroom but for a very long time, there were no decent areas to go to the bathroom. I was in pain and I struggled for a very long time. My mom eventually requested a stranger to let us in their house to use the bathroom. This was very dangerous and problematic and embarrassing for us. At that time I thought it was not a big deal. Soon after I witnessed my aunts suffering because there were no bathrooms in their village. They would wait hours and hours, bearing the pain just for such a simple thing, to use the restroom. I decided to do a little bit of research and found that toilets are a big problem in India, especially in rural areas. I also learned that Prime Minister Modi Ji has started a movement called Swachh Bharat. This program is doing great but there is still a lot to be done. Many schools still do not have toilets and schools that do have toilets need maintenance. This part of the story struck me, because of this, girls are dropping out of school. The thought of another young girl like me not getting the education she deserves is absolutely heartbreaking. This problem needs to be addressed. It is an issue of gender equality. Boys have many more freedoms than girls. Women are humiliated every single day. They are being mentally destroyed. It is our duty to help our sisters, daughters, and mothers in need and bring them up, where they belong.

My Goal

It will probably take millions of toilets to provide the basic facility of a toilet to each girl child in every school in India. This is a herculean task but, instead of doing nothing I am taking one small step to make a change. I am pledging to build 500 toilets. Each toilet costs about $400 which means I have to raise $200,000. Recently someone asked me if I could do such a big thing. Absolutely! I know I can do it! I can do it with the help of each and every one of you. I need you to walk right beside me and together, we can make a difference.